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How Divorce May Differ for LGBTQ Couples

Divorce is a difficult process for all couples, including within the LGBTQ community. Although same-sex marriage is officially recognized in the United States, there are unique considerations that must be…

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How Can I Prove That My Ex Is An Unfit Mother?

Determining an unfit parent in Virginia is a complicated process. In most cases, courts will uphold a parenting plan that has already been agreed upon. However, if you believe your…

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What Can Happen If Someone in the Divorce is Hiding Assets?

Dividing a once-shared financial life can be one of the trickiest aspects of divorce; it's often complicated and rife with emotion. To make sure everything is evenly divided and fairly…

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Will the Military Pay for a Spouse to Move Out During Divorce?

Deciding to end your marriage is a difficult decision. The process is deeply emotional, complex and full of unique decisions a couple must make.  During a military divorce, costs can…

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Can I Divorce My Spouse While They Are Deployed?

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) protects service members who are deployed by allowing them a 90-day stay of divorce proceedings, and in some instances, this stay can be extended.…

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