
Family Attorneys Virginia Beach

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Family law is that branch of the law addressing concerns that affect families, which makes it a very important area of the law. While divorce is a common family law matter, there is a lot more to family law than simply the terms of a divorce, including issues such as paternity and adoption. When it affects your family, it is a critical matter, and an experienced family attorney in Virginia Beach can help. 

Establishing Paternity

In Virginia, when a child’s mother and father are not married, it is important to establish paternity, which determines who the father is and which helps to establish the father’s rights and responsibilities. When parents are not married, they have the option of establishing paternity by both signing an Acknowledgement of Paternity. Beyond this, however, such as when paternity is contested or called into question, the matter is typically resolved through DNA testing. Establishing a child’s paternity has a variety of benefits that include:

  • Ensuring that the father helps support the child financially 
  • Ensuring that the father and child have the opportunity to develop a strong parent/child bond
  • Ensuring that the child is a legal heir of the father, which includes the right to inherit 
  • Ensuring that the child receives benefits that flow from the father’s employment, such as health insurance and/or veteran’s benefits

Adopting a Child

Adoption allows families to grow, and while it is a momentous step forward, it is also an exceptionally complicated legal matter. Whether you are adopting a child as a couple, are sealing your commitment as a parent by adopting a stepchild, or are adopting on your own, you need the professional legal counsel of an experienced family attorney in your corner. 

Navigating the Terms of Divorce

Whether you are in the process of divorcing or are facing a post-decree modification of a divorce term, the road forward is likely to be challenging. The basic divorce terms – each of which can be exceptionally complicated – include:

  • The division of your marital property, which involves the equitable (or fair) division of those assets you and your spouse acquired over the course of your marriage
  • Child custody arrangements, which are divided into both legal custody (the parental decision-making responsibility) and physical custody (how you and your children’s other parent divide your time with your kids)
  • Child support, which is based on state calculation guidelines and which is guided primarily by how you divide your time with your children and each parent’s earnings 
  • Alimony, which involve payments made by an ex with the financial ability to help to an ex who experiences a divorce-related financial setback (when appropriate) 

Don’t Wait to Consult with an Experienced Family Attorney in Virginia Beach

The seasoned family attorneys at Mahoney Richmond Thurston PLLC, in Virginia Beach understand the gravity of your family law concern and dedicate their practice to helping clients like you favorably resolve these matters. We’re on your side and here to help, so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today.